BOLD Stats

Specimen Records: 215 Public Records: 155
Specimens with Sequences: 172 Public Species: 13
Specimens with Barcodes: 153 Public BINs: 12
Species: 15          
Species With Barcodes: 12          

Contributors (Specimens & Sequencing)

Specimen Depositories: Sequencing Labs:
Sequencing Labs


images representing subtaxa of Phaedon
 (Phaedon CHU2 - CHU06-COL1-728)  @14 [ ] Unspecified (default): All Rights Reserved  Unspecified Unspecified  (Phaedon armoraciae - CNC COLEO 00123454)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2011) CNC/CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics  (Phaedon cochleariae - BFB_Col_FK_7540)  @14 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2015) Unspecified SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen
 (Phaedon concinnus - NOCOL1131)  @13 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2017) Arnstein Staverlokk Norwegian Institute of Nature Research  (Phaedon desotonis - CCDB-29984-B02)  @11 [ ] by-nc-nd (2023) Hume Douglas Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada  (Phaedon laevigatus - BIOUG05693-A06)  @14 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2013) CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics
 (Phaedon oviformis - CNC COLEO 00123462)  @12 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2011) CNC/CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics  (Phaedon prasinellus - CNC COLEO 00123468)  @13 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2011) CNC/CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics  (Phaedon pyritosus - GBOLRL0353)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2016) SNSB, Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns ZSM (SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen)
 (Phaedon sp. 1 - UAIC1024752)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2018) Wendy Moore University of Arizona  (Phaedon viridis - CNC COLEO 00123472)  @13 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2011) CNC/CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics
  Sample ID:
CNC COLEO 00123472
CreativeCommons - Attribution (2011)
  License Holder:
CNC/CBG Photography Group, Centre for Biodiversity Genomics

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